Sunday, July 31, 2011


It is currently 3:00 am.. and i feel the need to write a little before I go to bed, I currently feel more dead than alive on the inside in so many ways. But I infer that I have done so much damage to my body physically and mentally, it is like I am stuck on a dark road with a flat.. no cell phone reception, No triple A, no help. But the spare tire and jack is there in the trunk.. There is some things in life that you just to figure out. That is what I am going to do. There is so many ideas flowing through my mind.. I am overwhelmed. And I think that I am going to start all this tomorrow. I am going to take on tomorrow as a new day.. I have been contemplating all of this in my head for many weeks now. But tomorrow seems like a great day to start. Awhile back I was thinking this as a "Self-Destruction"... But really it is not. It is more like a Rebirth.. a reincarnation into a newer me. 
We are human.. and we are all in some way, shape, or form "Perfectly Flawed" ( Credits for that phrase go to Otep Shamaya).. But there is some flaws within myself I would not consider perfect.. And most flaws within anyone can change. I have always been one to say " Quit your fucking bitching, If you do not like something.. do something about it." I am throwing that out there because I have witnessed with others and myself recently and over time. Bitching about flaws within themselves.. And complaining about it is not going to get someone anywhere. It is only going to make who you are complaining to ear's bleed and get yourself worked up. So instead do something about it.. that is what I am doing. Enough complaining.. and taking action. I am rather disgusted in myself, I normally follow all this. But lately I have flown away to a universe that unlike the one I am used to.. 

Just some random thoughts...